
Mills James started in Columbus in 1984, and 40 years later have expanded our presence in over 50 locations across the US and Mexico. Our roots began in Columbus and continue to flourish with our legacy and community involvement.

Main Office

The Columbus Teleproduction Center houses studios, editing, audio and visual effects suites; control and engineering centers; creative services, and administrative and business support functions.

3545 Fishinger Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43026

8:30 am – 5:30 pm

Mills James Logistics Center

With six dock bays, dedicated truck staging space, a quality control area, and scenic shop — our new warehouse is one of the largest event and video production footprints in the Midwest.

3001A International St.
Columbus, OH 43228

Greater Columbus Convention Center

400 North High St.
Columbus, OH 43215

  • Floor Area: 50′ x 60′ (3000 sq ft)
  • Ceiling Height: 22′ (from floor to grid)
  • 1-Wall Cyclorama: Seamless curve on one wall, adjacent wall without curve.
  • Curtain System: All-around track with black studio curtain for versatile backdrops.
  • LED Wall:
    • Dimensions: 32′ 9.7″ (W) x 13′ 1.48″ (H)
    • Resolution: 3840 x 1536 pixels
    • Configuration: 160 configurable LED panels
  • Adjacent Green Room with Full Bathroom & Shower Facilities.
  • Availability of Full HD Broadcast Cameras
  • Broadcast Video Switcher
  • Camera Shading Station
  • Video Playback Station
  • Teleprompter Station
  • Digital Audio Console
  • Wireless Microphone & IFB Systems
  • Wireless Intercom System
  • Dedicated Space for Director/Producer
  • 400A 3-Phase Power Service
  • Power distribution for both dimmable and non-dimmable instruments/fixtures
  • Patch-bay and Edison outlets for easy grid access
  • DMX node & Centralized Lighting Control Station
  • Floor Area: 33′ x 35′ (1155 sq ft)
  • Ceiling Height: 15’ (from floor to grid)
  • 2-Wall Cyclorama: Seamless curve and painted with chroma-green.
  • Curtain System: Track with white studio curtain for diverse backdrops.
  • Availability of Full HD Broadcast Cameras.
  • 200A 3-Phase Power Service
  • Power distribution for both dimmable and non-dimmable instruments/fixtures.
  • Patch-bay and Edison/Stagepin outlets for easy grid access.
  • Centralized DMX Lighting Control Station.
  • Cross-Compatibility: Can be connected to Studio A’s control room.
  • Adjacent Green Room with Full Bathroom & Shower Facilities.

For questions regarding studio space, please use the contact form below.

Studio Questions?

How can we help? Whether you have questions about studio space, equipment, or our capabilities, our team is ready to answer your call.